
联合国前副秘书长:中欧可共同深化经济合作 维护世界和平稳定丨世界观

2024-05-08 16:03:22 | 来源:新华社

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  应法兰西共和国总统马克龙、塞尔维亚共和国总统武契奇、匈牙利总统舒尤克和总理欧尔班邀请,中国国家主席习近平于5月5日至10日对上述三国进行国事访问。中欧关系具有战略意义和世界影响,关乎世界和平、稳定、繁荣。对此,中新网专访联合国前副秘书长埃里克·索尔海姆(Erik Solheim),就中欧关系发展做出深入解读。



  Chinese President Xi Jinping left Beijing on Sunday morning for state visits to France, Serbia and Hungary. The China-Europe relationship is of great strategic significance. In this regard, China News Network talked with Erik Solheim, former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations.

  According to Solheim, both Europe and China need to find ways that is more beneficial for both sides, especially in sectors of electric vehicles, solar panels, and windmills. In addition, both sides should work together to find ways to settle the Ukraine crisis and Gaza conflict, Solheim notes.

  In conclusion, Solheim speaks highly of the contribution the Belt and Road Initiative made to Europe’s development with the example of Port of Piraeus in Greece and the Budapest–Belgrade railway.




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